Die Head Workshop
Die Head Service & Refurbishment, Blow Molding Technology, Burn-off Ovens, Retrofit
Die Head Workshop
At FINTER you can have full die head service: cleaning, repair, refurbishment, assembly etc. We also offer on-site maintenance services like disconnection of a die from the line, disassembly and assembly, cleaning of dies and extruder screws, as well as check of the machine conditions.
Burn-off oven
We sell Arena Comet’s pyrolysis ovens and fluidised beds in Finland, Sweden and Baltic states. Tell us about your production, and we recommend you the right technology!
We offer retrofit services for blown- and cast film lines. With new components like winder, DC motors replacement with AC-motors, new extruders etc., you can extend the service life of the lines, minimise energy costs and improve end product quality. Contact us for more details!
Blow Molding Technology
FINTER represents W. MÜLLER EBM Technology in Scandinavia and Baltics as their sales agent and service hub partner. Contact us for more details!
Thermal cleaning
Thermal cleaning or pyrolysis is an effective and fast solution for removing polymers, paints and other organic contamination. Pyrolysis removes plastics, coatings, glues, polyurethane and other organic contaminants from even hard-to-reach places like narrow channels, tubes, pipes, etc.
Shop at FINTER
You can buy tools, pastes and purging compounds as well as sensors and motor safety devices at our shop. Most of the products are in stock!